Calls Scholarships 2025 Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

Calls Scholarships 2025 Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

The Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei has announced the following scholarships for 2025.

Physics Scholarships:

Two scholarships "Enrico Persico" for students with a Bachelor's Degree and who are enrolled, in the academic year 2024-2025, in the first year of the Master's Degree in Physics at the Public Universities of Rome.

Two scholarships "Enrico Persico" for students with a Bachelor's Degree and who are enrolled, in the academic year 2024-2025, in the second year of the Master's Degree in Physics at the Public Universities of Rome.

Other Scholarships:

• A post-doctoral “Natalina Apolloni" fellowship for research in the field of Hydrobiology.

• A post-doctoral scholarship from the "Valeria Vincenzo Landi" Foundation for research in the field of Agricultural Genetics.

• A “Dr. Giuseppe Guelfi" postdoctoral fellowship for research in the field of Biomedicine or Biology.

• An annual post-doctoral scholarship "Roberta Oberti and Elio Cannillo" for research in the disciplines of the Life Sciences area.

• A “Raffaele Pettazzoni" post-doctoral scholarship for research in the field of History of Religions.

Two post-doctoral scholarships "Clelia Laviosa" for the specialization course to be held at the Athens branch of the Italian Archaeological School.

Two scholarships from the "Union of Lincean Foundations" named after "Amelia Minghini ved. Forti e Novelli" in favor of university students and graduates.


The application for admission must be submitted exclusively electronically by filling in the online form at:  Please, No later than 6:00 pm on January 3rd 2025.


Calls for selection

L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma