Corso Cattedra "Enrico Fermi" 2016/2017
Sapienza Università di Roma, “Enrico Fermi” Chair
Lectures of "Enrico Fermi" Chiar in Academic year 2016-2017 will be held by
Prof. Roberto Car Professor of Chemistry at the Princeton University.
The Course will consist of 15 Lectures, wich will be held in Aula Amaldi from 15.00 to 17.00 according to the following schedule.
Thursday 2 march
Thursday 9 march
Thursday 16 march
Thursday 23 march
Thursday 30 march
Thursday 6 april
Thursday 20 april
Thursday 4 may > Friday 5 may in Aula 3 (Fermi building)
Thursday 11 may
Thursday 18 may
Thursday 25 may
Thursday 1 june
Thursday 8 june
Thursday 15 june in Aula Conversi
Tuesday 20 june Aula Amaldi, last Lecture: Final overview of the topics discussed throughout the course. Concluding remarks.
“Enrico Fermi” Chair has been established in 2011 by Ministro dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR) Mariastella Gelmini to promote knowledge of modern physics beyond university courses, and to celebrate the scientific tradition of our country. The universal genius of Enrico Fermi has indeed provided long-lasting contributions in almost all fields of modern physics, from atomic, nuclear and particle physics, to solid state physics, cosmic rays, general relativity and high-dimensional calculus.
On each year, within an academic semester, the holder of the Chair provides a series of Lectures Enrico Fermi. Lectures are open to a non-specialist public, and concern the research field where the Chair holder has provided a significant contribution. Lectures are subsequently published by the Physics Department of Sapienza Università di Roma
> Lecture videos and teaching materials
Enrico Fermi Lectures are for a non-specialist audience. The mathematical complexity will be reduced at minimum and, when strictly necessary, will be restricted to a few specific Lectures.