International Agreements
This section lists the agreements signed by the Physics Department with international research institutions or foreign universities:
Framework Agreement with Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo
Person in charge: Prof.Naurang Saini
Executive Protocol of the Framework Agreement with the Graduate School of Science and Engineering of Tokyo Metropolitan University
Person in charge: Prof. Naurang Saini
Framework agreement with Okayama University, Okayama
Person in charge: Prof Naurang Saini
Executive draft of the framework agreement with the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology of Okayama University
Person in charge: Prof.Naurang Saini
Research Contract Sony Europe Limited and Physics Department of Sapienza University of Rome
Person in charge: Dr. Francesca Tria
Agreement between Department of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, and Departamento di Fisica, Istituto Superior Tecnico, Lisboa, Portugal
Person in charge: Prof. Leonardo Gualtieri
Executive agreement with Shiv Nadar University (India)
Person in charge: Prof. Carlo Mariani
Executive Agreement with Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra (Morocco)
Person in charge: Prof. Carlo Mariani