The Collection
The fund of the ancient volumes is made up of more than 100 volumes published before 1831. The collection is stored in a reserved area inside the reading room. In that area rare and prestigious books published up to the first decades of 1900 are stored as well and they testify the history of the Physics until the First World War.
These are the titles of higher interest:
- Biot, J,B., Traité de physique expérimentale et mathématique, Parigi 1816
- Boyle, R., Opera varia, quorum posthac exstat catalogus … Coloniae Allobrogum, 1677
- Demonferrand, J.B.F., Trattato d'elettricità dinamica … , Bologna 1824
- Diderot e D'Alambert, Encyclopédie, Losanna e Berna, 1780-82
- Fourier J., Théorie analytique de la chaleur, Parigi, 1822
- La Condamine, C.M. de, Mesure des trois premiers degrés du méridien … , Parigi 1751
- La Condamine, C.M. de, Journal de voyage..., Parigi 1751
- Magalotti, L., Saggi di naturali esperienze fatte nell'Accademia del Cimento, Firenze 1841
- Malus, E.L., Théorie de la double réfraction … Parigi, 1810
- Maupertuis, P.L.M. de, La figure de la terre … Parigi, 1738
- Musschenbroek, P. van, Physicae experimentales et geometricae … , Lugduni Batavorum, 1729
- Newton, I., Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, Ginevra, 1739-1742 Newton, I., Optices, Padova, 1749
- Varignon, P., Nouvelle mécanique ou statique, Parigi, 1725
Images of some volumes book cover
Annales de Chimie (1790)
Journal der PHYSIK (1790)
Journal de Physique (1872)
Il Nuovo Cimento (1855)