the library today
During the last years the library has started a process of transformation both from the structural and logistic point of view, and in relation to the modernization of the services provided, thanks to the precious support of Professor Giovanni Ciccotti.
The new location has been inaugurated in 2005, with smaller spaces but rationally better redistributed, and that has allowed to make the new automatized services visible and usable. All of this has been possible thanks to the help and the collaboration of the library’s staff and thanks to the planning and to the innovation strongly wanted by the Department Director.
During the years the library has changed: starting from the collection of paper volumes, today it is a place where it is possible to access the web and read digital documents online. In addition to the basic functions (like borrowing a book), innovative services are offered, like booking PC workstations to look for bibliographic resources online
(e.g. electronic journals provided by Sapienza), or you can use your personal laptop connected to the wireless network. All of this happened step by step. First, cataloguing by automation all the ancient and modern volumes (about 28.000 books), followed by cataloguing the journals to which we are subscribed and that of the historic ones (about 500 titles), included into the two most important national databases (ACNP and SBN). Such a result has allowed the total visibility of the heritage owned by the library online and, starting from here, the launch of the activity of documents’ supplying within the circuit of the national and mutual exchange NILDE (Network Inter-Library Document exchange), and the interlibrary loan activity in collaboration with the other libraries within the national circuit (SBN) and the international one. Locally, instead, the services for the users have been activated: the loan of the volumes that the students and the Sapienza institutional staff can bring home; the possibility to book pc workstations (2 PCs inside the library) for doing researches and for the consultation of the bibliographic resources online; the possibility to use your personal laptop connected to the wireless network. All these services are available for who is signed up to the library, by providing the personal data that converge into a database common to all Sapienza’s libraries. The participation of the library of the Physics Department to the national automation project SBN, started in 1990, has allowed the sharing of the data and the activation of the services to the users, without direct expenses for the library, thanks to the Sapienza central financing for the SBN Proget. The library has been testing new forms for the finalisation of the automation process and for the improvement of the services offered to the users. Now it is possible to enter the library even after the closing time, thanks to a magnetic card released only to the institutional users of the Department. Moreover, all the library’s users can use the self check, registering independently the loan operations, thanks to the RFID technology.
The RFID technology is used to control the books and journals’ regular movement as well.
The new location has been inaugurated in 2005, with smaller spaces but rationally better redistributed, and that has allowed to make the new automatized services visible and usable. All of this has been possible thanks to the help and the collaboration of the library’s staff and thanks to the planning and to the innovation strongly wanted by the Department Director.
During the years the library has changed: starting from the collection of paper volumes, today it is a place where it is possible to access the web and read digital documents online. In addition to the basic functions (like borrowing a book), innovative services are offered, like booking PC workstations to look for bibliographic resources online

The RFID technology is used to control the books and journals’ regular movement as well.
Library Director
Mrs. Maria Luisa Libutti