Fast login to your electronic resource


Instructions for:

  • students and staff of Sapienza University of Rome

  • registered with the Sapienza Foundation

  • students and staff of Unitelma Sapienza

Enable the bookmarks bar on your browser: if you use “Google Chrome” you can see it by the menu commands that you can see clicking on the right mouse button; instead if you use “Safari” you must click on the left side of the bookmarks bar to show it. Then with the mouse pointer go on this square FLYER click and drag it to the bookmarks bar and keep it there.
If you stay at home and you are browsing in an editor website purchased by Sapienza University and you can’t have access to the ful text, you just must click on the button you dragged on the bookmarks bar and log in with your Sapienza email credentials (; surname.serial number@studenti.uniroma1.itafter you got the access you can view and download on your computer all the Sapienza digital content.


Thanks to Bologna University colleagues for this idea.

L' Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma